Music Studio - Kaz22




Music Studio - Kaz22

This is a private music production studio of Kaz22.
The songs -- mostly instrumental pieces, though some are with lyrics --
are organised and presented in "Albums".
Click on the audio iconto listen.
You can download the mp3 files if you like, but please be aware of my

New Releases Since 2021

1 No Escape 2021
2 Till the Cows Come Home 2021
3 Speak of the Devil 2021
4 Sonatina for Guitar and Harpsichord 2022
5 Mira La Luz 2022
6 Skeltons in the Closet 2023 New


Speak of the Devil

Give me back
Give me back cause I need me back
I need me back cause I'm sinking back
Sinking back into the endless trap
The trap that turns into a load of crap
Tap and dance around a widening crack
Round and round until my reason snap
Slap and shake me or I'll never come back
I'll never come back

Looking up
I'm looking up cause you woke me up
You woke me up and you pulled me up
Pulled me right up to the shining top
From the top there's only one way down
Slip and slide got to make it stop
Hop and step around the snotty clown
Push and shove me but I'll never come down
I'll never come down

Copyright 2021 Kaz Onishi


No Escape ---… from the clutches of IOC, it seems.
Till the Cows Come Home ---When I started writing this piece, "cows" hadno place in it, but I wanted to create the early 70's soundscape. So I startedfidldling with the Arturia's software version of Buchla Music Easel, and that'swhere they came out from, along with the buzzing "insects".
Speak of the Devil--- An attempt at being psychedelic without resorting tothe use of stimulants, natural or otherwise. (Honestly!)
Sonatina for Guitar and Harpsichord--- I needed to comopose something likethis to justify my purchase last year of a classical nylon string guitar (PacoCastillo 232TE) and UVI Orchestral Suite software.
Mira La Luz--- It's like you are wondering through a jungle and suddenlycoming out into a clearing.
Skeltons in the Closet--- This song began as something completely differentfrom how it ended up.  I suppose a lot of skeltons could be like that.